This module has been designed for educators to equip their students with the skills to stay safe online and be responsible digital citizens. This module will give the necessary advice and steps for educators and take this training to its objective of teaching: Early School Leavers.

The basic level will be focused on protecting devices, protecting personal data and privacy as well as protecting personal health and well-being and the environment. The medium/advanced level will be centering its attention on digital footprint in the context of professional ethics, legal regulations on information security and copyright (music, film, pictures, text, software), actions to be taken in case of violation of digital ethics and/or unauthorized sharing and rights violation.

Learning objectives
►    To place at the hands of educators a methodology for deepen in the topics mentioned above
►    To identify the importance of navigate on a safety way
►    To highlight the key elements of protecting the devices
►    To be aware of the consequences of the violation of digital ethics
►    To make users more familiar to the online world